Tag Archives: Dental Librarians Group

Presentation: A day in the life of…

Phil Bradley and I are doing a double act on social networking tools tomorrow (May 10th, 2010) at the Dental Librarians Group Annual Meting 2010. My presentation is a run through the tools that I regularly use in my personal and working life. I’ve called it “A day in the life of…” but is really “2-3 days in the life of….”!  Some I do use on a daily basis but I may access others every other day or just once a week, so I suppose it could be one day if I picked the right one.

The presentation can be found on the following presentation sharing sites:


You can also download it from the RBA web site at http://www.rba.co.uk/web2/2010KarenBlakemanBDAADayintheLife.ppt