RBA Training Courses, Workshops & Presentations

RBA Training Courses, Workshops & Presentations
An update schedule of my presentations and workshops has been uploaded onto my web site. I am giving various presentation on search strategies and technologies at Inforum in Prague and then at the WebSearch Academy in Paris on June 1st-2nd.

Back in the UK, I am running workshops on Business Information at Manchester Business School and then at TFPL in London. Details are on the organizers’ respective web sites.

I gather that the Manchester course has been mentioned in The Times (there is a link to the article from the MBS page). The article claims that Dominic Broadhurst, head of the business information services, said “You learn how to go directly to the quality information. It is a business course so it is not about finding the best chat rooms, but we do try to make it fun. Fun?! We’ll have to put a stop to that 🙂